
He is good who listens to a good adviser

An honorable reputation lends greater persuasiveness to the words of the man who possesses it

Vulgarity and joking will not secure your pardon

The kind of art which can implant honesty and justice in depraved natures has never existed

There is a noise when Justice is being dragged away

He does mischief to himself who does mischief to another

The last generation of mortal men

The power to speak well and think right will reward the man who approaches the art of discourse with love of wisdom and love of honor

A convivial feast implies a communion of life

Men of intelligence ought not to form contrary judgements about similar things.

Old age lacks the heavy banquet but thereby avoids indigestion

Discourses which are worthy of praise and honor

Words carry greater conviction when spoken by men of good repute

The argument which is made by a man's life is of more weight than that which is furnished by words

Men who want to do some good in the world

Maintaining youthfulness

Calling friendship to account

Those who so act and so live as to give proof of loyalty and uprightness

all knowledge that is divorced from justice should be called cunning rather than wisdom

Wealth keeps company with worthless men as well, and it tends to swell a man's thoughts

An unjust trial differs from an unjust punishment only in name

Perceiving the truth