
Be not willing to show your authority by harshness

Choosing a course of action

How can we praise a dominion who incites such abominable things

License destroys those who indulge

Come to thy own aid

The elevation of mind through examination

Bear in mind that every man lives only this present time,

Reverence the faculty which produces opinion

Never value anything that compels you to lose your self-respect

Be neither a man of too many words or too busy!

To care for all men is according to man's nature

The Roman viewpoint on old age

Keep thyself simple

Demands of a Savage King

Defending the right of liberty

Right reason and justice

Do nothing deserving of contempt

Defending a mischievous and fatal tribunate by appeals to divine religion

The counselor's dilemma

Ought not a physician be willing to help only those willing to change?

Addiction to warfare