
Appointing inexperienced despised advisers

The inconsistency of those devoid of reason

Depraved leaders and useless laws

We manage our state in a worse manner and with more disorder than those who are just founding their cities

Brave men would repress mischievous citizens

We do violence to our own allies and extort money from them

When you put friends to the test

It's absurd to refuse discourse

Discourse for change

Why eulogize the ancestors if we act nothing like them?

Running the Race of Life

Justice is a way of life more noble and more pleasing

Players are spurred on by the plaudits of the children—not to speak of their own friends—whenever a player believes them to be genuine and well-meaning

all who care about the welfare of the stat

Do not forget that successful action depends on pleasing people

No remedy for souls which are ignorant of the truth and filled with base desires

Public Safety more important than reputation

Better to discuss your blunders

We have been depraved for a long time by men whose only ability is to cheat and delude

Those who live a life of piety and justice

Friendship the handmaid of virtue

Think not that the soul will cease to be

May you learn how much you have lost in us

Attaining greater wisdom and greater well-being

The advantages of Justice and Injustice