
Mortification of the body or soul

Despise those who strain after riches

Abhor flatterers and deceivers

The tyrant's misery

Be affable not arrogant in your relations with otherCarved Marble Relief depicting tragic and comic masks Roman 2nd century CE. Piece exhibited as part of "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greece" exhibit assembled by The British Museum and photographed at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.

Using reason to gain understanding

Share not the views of slander-mongers

A tyrant's duplicity

Tyrants' use of the enemy to quash resistance

Beware of excess especially in government

The value of a good reputation

Wisdom is imperishable

As riches rise virtue falls

No real friendship without honesty

Secrets and honor

The future is a thing unseen

Testing friends

Coming to the aid of your friends

The darkness of the mind

False accusation and the mob

The debt of granted permission

The value of friends and associates

Avoid drinking parties

Those who empower rich men

The fate of those who benefit bad men

The futility of arguments with those who oppose evident truths

The dangers to the state from a "touch" from "without"

The Power of Fear

Surviving Life's Storms

Judging new matters