
One who is untouched by the same influences as yourself and is naturally unsympathetic cannot be either loyal or steadfast

It is impossible for a man to be loyal whose nature is full of twists and twinings

Anyone can find no lack of men willing to aid him in depravity and crime

Crime by experienced men is hard to detect

True friendships are very hard to find among those whose time is spent in office or in business of a public kind

No physical weakness is so hopeless that it cannot be improved by exercise and effort

All knowledge yields itself up to us only after great effort on our part

Men who are less generously endowed by nature but excel in experience and practice, not only improve upon themselves, but surpass others

Men must have a natural aptitude for that which they have elected to do

You must not let the sycophants have control of a thing

You must not pass judgement in any trial without the exercise of reason

The rights of a case are ascertained thereby most surely and most certainly, arises when there is an abundance of witnesses

Malicious falsehood is the worst travesty of justice humanly possible.

Honest men do not remain fixed in opinions which they have formed unjustly

It is deserving of praise when a man is more frugal in what he spends on his own household than in what he pays out for the common good

He who has shown himself staunch, immovable, and firm in friendship ought to be considered almost divine!

Fickle men and friendship

No one would venture either to disregard the sentence passed upon him because he was sure that he had had no part in the crime, or to disobey the law

Most of the life of man rests upon hope

You must not use the speech for the prosecution to discover whether your laws are good or bad.

If we must perforce face danger, we may have at least the one consolation, a clear conscience

It is, therefore, utter folly to seek to justify yourself to those who are not minded like other men

When Fortune's fickle, the faithful friend is found

Feeble is the struggle of human nature against power

Involuntary accidents deserve pity, not deliberately planned crimes and acts of wickedness

After refusing to inquire into the facts, how can a man possibly be certain of what he refused to find out?

It is through hard work and sacrifice that you provide yourself with the means wherewith to discharge your public duties

A man should neither disregard his reputation, nor consider the goodwill of his countrymen a poor weapon in the battle of life