
Expectations of Precision

Cursed steel and more accursed gold

Men who plot against what belongs to others

Honesty is no guarantee of security

Those with wealth restrain your swelling soul

You should remember not to trust too hastily the assertions of the accuser nor hear the defendant in uproar and anger.

None so depraved as those who charge others with offenses of which they themselves are guilty

It is better to shun the cloud as it approaches than to be swept away in the rush of the flood

To have no refuge exceeds all other calamities

It is a disgrace to pride yourselves on your ancestors' treatment of the needy while rejecting those who come to you in need

Our greatest anguish of all is when one is separated from each other

What, think you, is our state of mind when we see our own parents unworthily cared for in their old age

Sharing the ills of others

While many treatments of all kinds have been discovered by physicians for the ills of our bodies, there exists no remedy for souls which are ignorant of the truth and filled with base desires

Mummies of the World opening October 5, 2019 at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Who will be so insane as to prefer to join those who try to enslave than to be in company with you who are fighting for their freedom

Obtain knowledge from those who have knowledge

Those who keep the lives of their fellow-citizens in peril, themselves, live in extreme fear

Think not that allies will be lacking, if you are willing to aid all who are victims of wrong,

Victory in war is not for those who destroy cities by violence, but for those who govern in a more scrupulous and clement manner

Acts of infamy aid dishonor

Those who wish to be exact and just in praising any given state

There does not exist an art of the kind which can implant sobriety and justice in depraved natures

For whoever refuses to allow the testing of those who share his secrets has confessed that the charges of the indictment are true

No advantage ever accrues to those who unjustly seek greedy gain

Embassies plead the cause of freedom but seek to license themselves for private gain

Oaths and covenants are of greatest importance in times of peace

It is far more honorable to compel men to emulate your scrupulousness than to share in lawlessness

Lack of prudence when taking military action without consulting the appropriate governing council