Embassies plead the cause of freedom but seek to license themselves for private gain

Embassies plead the cause of "freedom" and "independence" but when they believe they have secured license for themselves, disregarding everything else, they have the effrontery to speak in defense of their private gain and of their own acts of violence.  Isocrates.  Plataicus.  Speech 14.  Section 24.

Image:  A tapestry known as "Ambassadors of Rome Offering the throne to Numa Pompilliu" recovered by the FBI in 2015.  Image courtesy of the FBI then enlarged.  Numa refused the Romans saying, "The qualities for which I am applauded, are not those that are suited to a Roman chieftain. I delight not in assemblies of men, associated for the purposes of conquest, but in those of men who love to honour the gods, who occupy their time in cultivating the earth, or tending their flocks, and all of whose pleasures are innocent."
