Honest men do not remain fixed in opinions which they have formed unjustly

Honest men do not remain fixed in opinions which they have formed unjustly, but are in quest of the truth and are ready to be convinced by those who plead a just cause. Isocrates. Antidosis. Speech 15. Section 170.
Trial by combat in ancient Rome:
The most detailed description of a perduellio trial can be found in Book 1 of Livius’ work. The trial is set during the reign of Rome’s third king Tullus Hostilius (ca. 673-641 BCE). Tullus had just gone to war with neighbouring Alba Longa. To avoid unnecessary bloodshed, both army commanders had agreed to settle the conflict by having three Romans, the brothers Horatius, fight against three Albans, the brothers Curiatius. Whoever won this battle would win the war. Even though his two brothers were killed, the Roman Publius Horatius managed to strike down all of three of his opponents, winning the war for Rome. The city rejoiced and Horatius was given a warm welcome upon his return. But his sister Horatia was in tears: one of the Curiatii had been her fiancĂ© and he was now dead. Horatia’s grief greatly angered Horatius. After all, Curiatius had been an enemy and he had been responsible for the death of two of her brothers. In the end, Horatius took his sword and killed his sister.

Image: Battle between the Horatii and Curiatii. Fresco by Giuseppe Cesari, 1612-1613, at the Capitoline Museum in Rome, Italy. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
