
Formal training cannot fully fashion men who are without natural aptitude into good debaters or writers

For the sake of truth we must give praise, pushing away envy with both hands, if any mortal man does well

Argument lacks power to take effect when urged by men whose strength is less than their desire

Lend support to the man who has experienced the same misadventure as yourself and many others.

Those who prefer the way of injustice, thinking it the greatest good fortune to seize something that belongs to others, are in like case with animals which are lured by a bait

A just citizen will not let private enmity induce him to start a public prosecution against one who does the state no harm

A fool you can neither bend nor break

The art of life is more like the wrestler's art than the dancer's

Nothing can turn out well for those who neglect to adopt a sound policy for the conduct of their government as a whole

Shun those who feel the utmost degree of self-love

It is difficult to find terms of praise to match deeds of surpassing magnitude

Preserve always the element of timeliness

A truly educated man is not spoiled by successes and does not desert their true selves

What is the point of composing a speech that will convince no one that hears it?

Granting complete licence for those who are bent on villainy

Those who continually change their occupations never achieve proficiency

It is instinctive with most persons when admonished, not to look to the benefits they receive

For what, pray, is more grievous than to live in constant fear lest some bystander kill you

Nothing prevents even innocent persons from being ill-treated by the stronger

We are jealous of those who excel us in intelligence or in anything else

For beautiful things, we have an inborn passion

It is more arduous to practice dignity than buffoonery and seriousness than levity

Wise men should excel laymen and be better than they, not in fields neglected by everybody else, but where all are rivals.

Conjecture about useful things is far preferable to exact knowledge of the useless

Prefer that which is generally beneficial

Those who have no care for their own state of mind are unwittingly disparaging the means of attaining at the same time greater wisdom and greater well-being

Some have gone to such an extreme of folly as to hold the view that, while injustice is reprehensible, it is, nevertheless, profitable and advantageous

Impute extreme folly and madness to those who think that injustice is advantageous

Orators who exhort us to cling fast to peace have never caused us to suffer any misfortune

Give more attention to those who oppose your views