We are jealous of those who excel us in intelligence or in anything else

We are jealous of those who excel us in intelligence or in anything else, unless they win us over by daily benefactions and compel us to be fond of them. Isocrates. Helen. Speech 10. Section 56.

Image: Fresco depicting the punishment of Ixion: in the center is Mercury holding the caduceus. On the right is Juno on her throne, and behind her Iris stands and gestures. On the left is Vulcanus (blond figure) manning the wheel, with Ixion already tied to the wheel. Nephele sits at Mercury's feet. Roman fresco from the eastern wall of the triclinium in the Casa dei Vettii ("House of the Vetii", VI 15, 1) in Pompeii, Fourth Style (60-79 AD). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons contributor Wolfgang Rieger.
