
Not even those who possess the greatest fortunes are willing to rest satisfied with them but are always grasping

Men who are badly reared will venture to transgress even laws which are drawn up with minute exactness

Consideration for each other is due from men who are rightminded

Success does not visit and abide with those who have built around themselves the finest and the strongest walls

Nothing of either good or of evil visits mankind unmixed

Crime falls on those who did not mete out justice

Nothing could then be worse than for you to pardon those who have disgraced your country

Youths yield not to craven cowardice

Forsake not the old

Poets, depicting life itself, select the noblest actions and so through argument and demonstration convert men's hearts

He wins men's hearts who with a ready hand confers his favors

Those deprived of sanity have no knowledge of their errors

Do not give way to speakers who digress from the point

Those who have not been rightly informed cannot give their verdict rightly

Do not give more weight to false charges than to accepted facts

A word can sharpen the sword or blunt the spear

Those who have wronged others should refrain from contentiousness

There is bitterness in truth

Poverty is not a mark of weakness but sheer misfortune

The finest thing is to be envied by many people as a noble man

Praise he who is skillful

A virtuous man ought to be so clean he is not even suspected of wrong-doing

Denial of the truth under oath will gain nothing

Advice of a good man is profitable to the hearer

The public man who comes to the platform ought to come prepared

Guard against those whose words violate the laws or whose lives have defied them

The love of gain reconciles the weaker to the dominion of the stronger

Rejoice over the good things but grieve in moderation

Approve those who exhort you to virtue