Consideration for each other is due from men who are rightminded

Consideration for each other is due from men who are rightminded and partners in a common fatherland.  Isocrates, Areopagiticus.  Speech 7.  Section 31.

Image:  Portrait of the emperor Antoninus Pius (reigned 138–161 AD) in ritual attire as an Arval Brother.  Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons contributor PierreSelim. Arval Brethren were a body of priests who offered annual sacrifices to the Lares and gods to guarantee good harvests.  Arval Brethren were appointed for life and did not lose their status even in exile. The importance of Arval Brethren apparently dwindled during the Roman Republic, but emperor Augustus revived their practices to enhance his own authority.  Members were themselves always persons of distinction and the duties of their office were held in high respect.
