For those who have not been rightly informed cannot give their verdict rightly. Lycurgus. Against Leocrates. Speech 1. Section 13.
Image: Mural of Caesar Augustus Octavius hearing a case against Scutarious, a Roman legionary as described by Suetonius painted by Albert Herter (1871-1950) in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Room. Note: The Roman writer Seutonious tells of Scutarious, a Roman legionary who was being tried for an offense before the judges seated in the background. The legionary called on Caesar to represent him, saying: "I fought for you when you needed me, now I need you." Caesar responded by agreeing to represent Scutarious. Caesar is shown reclining on his litter borne by his servants. Seutonious does not tell us the outcome of the trial but leaves us to surmise that with such a counselor he undoubtedly prevailed.
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