
In friendship, let the influence of friends who are wise counselors be paramount

Dare to give true advice with all frankness

Alliances of wicked men should be visited with summary punishment of the severest kind

For wicked men, a penalty must be enacted, and assuredly it will not be lighter for the followers than for the leaders in treason

Revolution creeps on imperceptibly at first but once it has acquired momentum, rushes headlong to ruin

A good general discharges his responsibilities with honesty and wisdom

Men who are afraid hate those who inspire this feeling in them

Neither ask dishonorable things, nor do them, if asked.

It is no justification whatever of your sin to have sinned in behalf of a friend.

By their ceaseless recriminations not only are social intimacies usually destroyed, but also everlasting enmities are produced. M. Tullius Cicero. De Amicitia. Laelius on friendship

Disagreements of a very serious nature, and usually justifiable, arise from a demand upon friends to do something that is wrong

The greatest bane of friendship is the lust for money

One should either share the good fortunes of another, or have no part in his misfortunes.

It is far from noble to cultivate friendship to secure something we lack

Love is further strengthened by the receiving of a kindly service, by the evidence of another's care for us, and by closer familiarity

Friendship springs rather from nature than from need

Advantages are frequently obtained from those who, under a pretence of friendship, are courted and honored to suit the occasion.

Whenever, therefore, there comes to light some signal service in undergoing or sharing the dangers of a friend, who does not proclaim it with the loudest praise?

What house is so strong, or what state so enduring that it cannot be utterly overthrown by animosities and division

The great power of friendship

Some prefer riches, some good health, some power, some public honors, and many even prefer sensual pleasures. These are fleeting and unstable things

The more vigorously a ruler condemns folly in other men, the more should he cultivate his own understanding

Vote in accordance with the established laws, not pity the guilty

Masters in criticizing and prejudicing the works of others, say those discourses are more profitable

Punishment to improve discipline

A Man who makes good and temperate use of power

Men's motive in pursuing honor seems to be to assure themselves of their own merit