
To die nobly is a special honor reserved for the good

Arms are of little value without wise leadership

Nothing can be intelligently accomplished without forethought

Those who declare the truth are held in greater esteem

Achievements in peace are more important than those of war

Much greater glory to capture the goodwill of cities than their walls

Venus yields to caresses, not compulsion

You should not honor that courage which accompanies heedless folly and unseasonable ambition

Never forget a favor received. Be quick to forget a favor bestowed

Many men have sought occasions for war from the mere ambition for fame

Not every death in war must be regarded as honorable

Learn to see in another's calamity the ills which you should avoid

Avoid desire, fear, excessive pain and pleasure, and anger

Men are more grateful for praise than advice

No man should surpass others in judgement without learning, listening, and discovering

Money for military purposes should be spent for campaigns

Well-considered plans inspire suitable suggestions

Love of riches reflects narrowness and littleness of the soul

Anything which is at variance and enmity with itself is not likely to be in union or harmony with any other thing

He who depends upon the caprice of the ignorant rabble cannot be numbered among the great

A small loan makes a debtor, a great one, an enemy

A trifling rumor may cause a great calamity

Profits in trade can be made only by another's loss