
The ungrateful above all others, teach us severity and distrust

It takes a brave and heroic soul to hold as slight what most people think grand and glorious

Consider that there is no place without a witness

Do deeds not only useful but arduous

Fame is but the empty noise of madmen

Ambition tempts men to acts of injustice

A few men's depravity is all men's calamity

If you give way to anger it will fuel a habit

No occasion arises that can excuse a man for being guilty of injustice

Carefulness and Intrepidity are hard to combine

Bear and Forbear for a Tranquil Life

Ambitious men find it difficult to preserve a spirit of fairness

It matters not with what purpose you do it, if the act itself be bad

It is the height of folly to blame without knowledge

Courageous and high-souled men must be lovers of truth

If you do a thing that ought to be done don't shun being seen doing it

He is condemned every day who stands in daily fear of condemnation

The more deluded, the more treatment needed

The wise man guards against future evils as if they were present

It is the height of eloquence to speak in the defense of the innocent.

Nothing that lacks justice can be morally right

Neither physicians nor generals nor orators can achieve any signal success without experience and practice

What you blame in others as a fault, you should not be guilty of yourself