
Be careful whose approbation you wish for

The art of life more like that of a wrestler

Consider the past when contemplating human life

No man can escape his destiny

Reap life like a harvest

Do not be vexed over things

It is a base thing for the mind not to be composed

Think not of what thou hast not

When a man has done thee any wrong

A scowl extinguishes comeliness


Doing something which the constitution of man does not allow

Fear not change

Let not future things disturb thee

Be not ashamed to be helped

Is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man

Loss is nothing but change

Conduct and the fate of all

Blame and Praise

Clearing your mind

Those who praise soon blame

Set thyself in motion

All things change

Principles and judgments

Teach those who do wrong

Wronging yourself

Discordance between those who live together

Abiding with vice

Lying and hipocrisy

The power of false opinion