
It is a bad plan that admits of no modification

Those ambitious for eminence and glory who rob to enrich their friends have no morals

No relationship more dear than that of fellow countrymen

Useful gifts that cause the giver no loss

Bestow kindness based on individual need

The greater the favor, the greater is the obligation

Be sure acts of kindness do not prove harmful

Justice even for the humblest

Seeking a panacea but ignoring the causes of poor administration

A slanderous tongue is the sign of a bad heart

Any one can hold the helm, when the sea is calm

Smiling evil is hardest to bear

Guardians of the laws who are but pretenders utterly destroy the state

If honor is not mutual the poorer man will be seen as pursuing wealth

The disgrace of hurling yourself into combat that accomplishes nothing

Consider no blessing more important than your safety

Old age does not diminish a mortal's excellence

Cheer your spirit with pious deeds

Chastising the innocent as well as the guilty raises suspicion

Consider the meaning of a promise

Ruling your passions

Desire for wealth is fueled by ambition

Adversity reveals the true voice

Doubt is a sign we are thinking of a possible wrong

No one ever lost honor but him who never had any

The fiercer the contention, the more honorable the reconciliation

When gold argues the cause, eloquence is impotent

Consider what precedes and what may follow every act

The noblest sacrifice is to be good and just